Server script without built-in sockets

Kurt Granroth kurt+plug-discuss at
Mon Oct 22 18:52:05 MST 2007

Craig White wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 18:21 -0700, Kurt Granroth wrote:
>> Am I out of luck, here?  Or is there some commonly available utility out
>> there that can open up a socket for me?
> ----
> perhaps I am missing something but there is a package called 'expect'
> which does essentially what you want.

Can 'expect' open up a socket?  I've used it a few times in the past to
automate telnet and the like but the fact that I had to use telnet
implies that expect doesn't have inherent socket capability.

I'll admit that I haven't used expect in awhile, though, and even then,
I didn't use it a lot...


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