****Re: What's up with 64 bit Linux

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Fri Nov 23 08:16:00 MST 2007

On Fri, 2007-11-23 at 07:59 -0700, Darrin Chandler wrote:

> I just find it interesting that there's all this talk of 64-bit on Intel
> processors. I never considered them much of a player in 64-bit. I'd love
> to hear how and why you people have done so. I don't want flames: I'm
> truly curious.
I know that I was pretty clear that I started into x86_64 on these Dell
systems because of less hassles with installation/operation and for the
most part, they've been running well.

There has been some regression on the 2.6.23 kernel but I suspect that
this is the price that I pay for trying to run software that is close to
the current development edge but considering the nature of release early
and often, I have confidence that these things get worked out over time
and view my participation in bug reporting and feedback as the necessary
part of participation.

Obviously Intel is a late comer to 64 bit processing but they are the
800 pound gorilla so they're kind of hard to ignore and given their
exceptional support of the open source community, I have no problem with


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