
Bill Jonas bill at billjonas.com
Wed Nov 21 14:54:12 MST 2007

On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 08:10:31PM -0700, gm5729 wrote:
> Is dpkg --get selections > dpkg.log the easiest way to get a snapshot
> of installed proggies and restore? I am in the process of getting
> ready to wipe my whole hdd and reinstall with new partitions. I have
> made so many tweaks it is hard to remember all the little things that
> I have done.

That's what I usually do (note the dash between "get" and "selections":
"--get-selections").  After you've reinstalled, do "dpkg
--set-selections < dpkg.log", and then you can run "apt-get
dselect-upgrade" to have it install and deinstall the right packages.

Note, as der.hans said, that it doesn't preserve versions, but if it's
all the latest versions anyway, then that won't make much of a

Don't forget to back up /etc, /root, /home, /usr/local, and /var! :-)

Bill Jonas    *    bill at billjonas.com    *    http://www.billjonas.com/
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door.  You step
into the Road,  and if you don't keep your feet,  there  is  no knowing
where you might be swept off to."  --  Bilbo Baggins

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