How to send html with embedded jpg -- Solved

Josef Lowder joe at
Fri Nov 16 11:27:31 MST 2007

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007, Josef Lowder wrote
> While I normally use text only for most email, 
> I have a need to email an html formatted message 
> with an embedded jpg image.  Is it possible to 
> do that with kmail? If so, how is it done?

After wrestling with this (and several related issues) 
for more than a week (and having posted several related 
queries on this list), I finally found a solution.  As is 
so often the case, the solution was incredibly simple. 

It can't be done with kmail, but it can be done easily 
and free, with Open Web Mail.

The very simple solution was this:  <> 

All I had to do was click on that "<>" icon on the 
Open Web Mail message composer, drop in my html code, 
and send it to my address list. 

That was absolutely all there was to it. 

I searched the 'net, posted inquiries in a dozen different 
places, investigated more than a dozen different mailing list 
packages and services (both free and very expensive), and 
experimented with numerous methods ... all of which were 
needlessly complicated, cumbersome, and complicated ... 
and none of which were satisfactory. 

Only to ultimately find that the solution was so incredibly 

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