sad day on PLUG

Craig White craig at
Fri Nov 9 10:11:46 MST 2007

On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 10:05 -0700, Dan Lund wrote:
> True, but to be fair it's the same with CentOS, & Debian :)
> I have heard the argument that Fedora offers cutting-edge support for
> new technologies.  In those cases, i'd imagine it's a great fit.
Oh I could get the kickstart going on CentOS without any issues but then
users would end up with older versions of, gimp,
evolution, firefox, thunderbird, etc.

Next week I am going to evaluate whether it's worth upgrading a system
from Fedora 7 to Fedora 8.

My expectation is that a new/clean install will take less time and
energy and upgrading will be a pointless venture (user's $HOME are
located on an NFS server and automounted via LDAP).

I'm sure Debian would work fine and similarly...I am just so tuned into
the Red Hat way at this point.


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