OT - The One Laptop Per Child Program

Joseph Sinclair plug-discussion at stcaz.net
Thu Nov 8 20:25:18 MST 2007

(I assume you speak of the "buy 2 give one to kids in some other nation" deal)
I doubt it.  I suspect neither is tax deductible, but you'd need to ask an accountant to be certain.

Kevin Faulkner wrote:
> Will both XO's be tax deductible???
> Joseph Sinclair wrote:
>> The XO uses an O/S based on a Linux kernel (stripped-down and heavily modified Fedora, I think), but with a completely different UI and functional design (don't look for programs/command line/etc..., they're hard to reach or completely missing).  It's VERY different from a normal PC, but it seems to work well for kids.
>> The machine itself is really small, and the keys are likewise small (I had to use fingernails to press keys because my fingers are too big).  It's got a pretty cool design, though, and I hope they get a lot of these in kids hands, because I believe that putting these in the hands of kids in large numbers will spur those kids to come up with many completely new and interesting ways to use computers and connect people.
>> ==Joseph++
>> Michael Havens wrote:
>>> The XO will come installed with *nix?
>>> On Wednesday 07 November 2007 4:03 pm, keith smith wrote:
>>>> China?  Didn't they have a ton of problems with cat treats and lead paint?
>>>> Rhune Lord <rhunelord at gmail.com> wrote: Production Begins for Schoolkid
>>>> Laptops
>>>> AP Technology Writer
>>>> Buy AP Photo Reprints
>>>> CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) -- The One Laptop Per Child Program, which hopes
>>>> to spread sub-$200 computers to schoolchildren in developing
>>>> countries, has reached a milestone with the start of mass production.
>>>> The nonprofit spinoff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>>>> said assembly lines for its "XO" laptops were fired up Tuesday at a
>>>> Chinese factory run by manufacturer Quanta Computer Inc. That means
>>>> children should begin getting the green-and-white computers this
>>>> month.
>>>> One Laptop Per Child did not specify how many computers will be made
>>>> or how many orders it has received from international buyers. The
>>>> program's founder, Nicholas Negroponte, said in September that Quanta
>>>> would build about 250,000 XOs this year, ramping to 1 million a month
>>>> in 2008.
>>>> Negroponte originally expected mass production of several million XOs
>>>> to have begun by now. But he scaled back that goal after encountering
>>>> reluctance from potential buyers.
>>>> The computers were dreamed up as $100 laptops but for now cost $188,
>>>> and buyers are expected to let children keep the computers and tinker
>>>> with them at home.
>>>> The initial recipients will be children in Uruguay, Peru and Mongolia.
>>>> Also, beginning Monday, people in North America will be able to buy
>>>> one for themselves and donate the other to a child overseas through
>>>> http://www.laptopgiving.org .
>>>> Even with mass production beginning later than expected, One Laptop
>>>> Per Child can claim success on several fronts. The small yet rugged
>>>> XOs require low power and can be recharged by hand, have a screen that
>>>> can be read in full sunlight and boast a user interface designed
>>>> specially for children. And the impending emergence of the XOs
>>>> awakened other companies to the potential of a low-cost educational
>>>> market, greatly expanding the choices that international buyers now
>>>> have.
>>>> (c) 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
>>>> not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more
>>>> about our Privacy Policy.
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