PhxBUG - BSD InstallFest - Tuesday, November 6th, 7PM

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Thu Nov 1 14:55:25 MST 2007

This month we will have a BSD InstallFest, open to all comers. Now is
the time to get BSD installed and up to speed! Bring in your laptop or
desktop box and let's get it going. We can use any and all people
skilled in the various BSDs to help out[1]. Even if you do not bring a
computer to install, you are welcome to come and see how it all works.

Anyone bringing computers, please be punctual so that we have enough
time to get everything installed and configured. (IOW, come late and
you'll leave using only mail, vi, and lynx).

When: Tuesday 2007/11/06, 7:00pm  - 9:00pm
Location: GIOS - ASU, Tempe Center

GIOS is located on the SE corner of Mill & University in Tempe. There's
a Chili's on the same corner. Park close to Sack's and process to the
walkway between building, where you'll find the sliding glass doors to
GIOS. See for a map link.

Traditionally, we have been going to Casey Moore's after meetings for a
drink or two. If we can wrap things up at a decent time then we'll still
do that.

[1] If you have FreeBSD/NetBSD knowledge then please, PLEASE come and
help out! We have some OpenBSD skills already, but more is always

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
dwchandler at   |      |  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

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