setuid confusion

Alex LeDonne aledonne.listmail at
Thu Nov 1 13:29:38 MST 2007

On Nov 1, 2007 4:24 PM,  <alex at> wrote:
> When I log in as wwwlive and run the update, it's fine.
> [wwwlive]$ ./live_svn_update
> Real UID        = 100313
> Effective UID   = 100313
> Real GID        = 20023
> Effective GID   = 20023
> At revision 3.
> When I run it as myself, you can see that the UID and GID are changing
> to those of wwwlive, but that doesn't need to give me the permissions
> I need to perform the update.
> [alexd]$ ./live_svn_update
> Real UID        = 110115
> Effective UID   = 100313
> Real GID        = 20014
> Effective GID   = 20023
> svn: Can't open file '/www/live/.svn/lock': Permission denied
> So... I'm kinda stumped at the moment.  Anyone see anything I've
> missed, or something else I ought to try?
> thanks,
> alex

For completeness, what are the permissions on


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