ES topic

der.hans PLUGd at
Thu May 10 10:07:55 MST 2007

Am 10. May, 2007 schwätzte Shawn Badger so:

> Should we be prepaired to take the one we choose to dinner as well??

After-meeting activities are up to you.

We do usually go out for a bite, so the opportunity is there :).

> Just kidding, it sounds like a great way to get everone talking face to
> face!!

That's the goal. It's something that LOPSA's going to do at the next
Sysadmin Days and it looks interesting enough to try.


#  Take a razor to your throat
#  and a noose to your neck,
#  then follow that up with a cup of poison.
#  Not a good way to start the day. - der.hans

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