Google and records

Kevin Brown kevin_brown at
Tue May 1 22:21:16 MST 2007

>  > I love that company... :D
> me too...
> A quote from the article:
> << "Unless you had a master's degree in government administration, you 
> probably wouldn't find the actual information you're looking for," said 
> Chris Cummiskey, Arizona's chief information officer. >>
> I presume that AZ CIO guy, meant "before" the proposed changes.
> (not "after"...)
> On another topic;   the same article also says that EPIC
> (the "Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center")
> [quote:]
> << [...] recently filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission 
> urging it to investigate Google regarding [...], as well as its proposed 
> acquisition of online advertising company DoubleClick. >>
> My comment is that DoubleClick will not necessarily infect GOOG
> with some kind of contagious malware / doublethink;  on the
> contrary, maybe their new parent co. will turn *them*
> in to a breath of fresh air.

EPIC filed the complaint under the guise of google's record in regards 
to private information and just how much more data this would put into 
one companies hands for massive levels of data mining.  Doubleclick was 
able to track visitors as they bounced from site to site, now add that 
to google's ability to track what users are searching for and then add 
all the documents from the state governments they are working with.

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