The PLUG website is dead. Long live the PLUG website!

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Wed Jun 6 15:09:39 MST 2007

On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 04:01:36PM -0600, Josef Lowder wrote:
> Methinks we are terribly remiss in failing to appreciate and express
> appreciation to you for all that you do for PLUG and for all of us, 
> including in your work in attending to the PLUG website. 
> There is no reason or need for you to apologize, Alan. 
> The only apologies that are needed are for any and all complaints 
> and/or criticisms of either the web hosting (which is donated) 
> and/or your generous giving of your time in serving as PLUG webmaster. 

Hear! Hear!

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
dwchandler at   |      |  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

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