Caveman UI [WAS: Re: Explaining T-Shirts]

George Toft george at
Tue Jul 31 05:42:46 MST 2007

"The main purpose of a GUI is to support multiple xterms."

Some people just don't get that statement :)

George Toft, CISSP, MSIS

Dennis Kibbe wrote:
> On Monday 30 July 2007 09:38:05 am Bill Lindley wrote:
>>Trying to explain command-line to a GUI-only person, is like trying to
>>explain the advantages of learning a foreign language to someon who
>>insists only on pointing to phrases in a tourist guidebook.
> Eben Moglen ( for those that don't know of 
> him) recalls when as a programmer at IBM he was asked to evaluate the just 
> released Apple Lisa, one of the first computers with a graphic interface.
> Eben realized that the GUI was the death of language. The caveman interface he 
> called it since it reduced the user to pointing and grunting.
> Dennisk
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