Jul west side mtg

der.hans PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Tue Jul 24 02:04:07 MST 2007

moin moin,

here's the announcement Brian wrote with a couple of minor changes.

It would be great if someone would volunteer to be at the school from
18:45 to 19:15 to let people know we'll be at the restaurant.

We should have signs up as well, but having someone there would be good.

We will be meeting at Polibertos Mexican food for the west side meeting
this month.

3220 W Bell Rd Phoenix, AZ 85053

It's just up the street and around the corner from the school. About 1500
feet west of 29th ave (the street that the school is off of) on the north
side of the road.

Since we will no longer have pizza, due to our host, Neal, moving to
Texas, we will be adopting the practice of "Getting Cat" like we do at
the east side meetings.  Getting cat, is just sitting down at a near by
restaurant after the meeting and chatting over food till everyone leaves.

Thanks again to Neal for buying us pizza and beverages for the last year
and a half!


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#  "Be in a unit like W, he was in the same national guard unit as bigfoot,
#  about the same number of sightings." -- Robin Williams, 03Aug2006

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