Killing a process when kill -9 doesn't work?

Dan Lund situationalawareness at
Thu Jul 5 08:09:54 MST 2007

No, it does happen with the rpm application rarely, and almost always
its so honked up that a SIGKILL won't terminate it.
I've seen it once or twice myself, and it almost always has to do with
a corrupted rpm database.
As far as killing it, that's something that I'd love to figure out....
Though I've only ran into this on new installs when I'm applying
patches.  I've always just figured itd take less man hours to

On 7/5/07, Matt Graham <danceswithcrows at> wrote:
> On Thursday 05 July 2007 10:27, after a long battle with technology,
> Shawn Badger wrote:
> > how do you kill something when kill -9  doesn't work?
> You don't, generally.  SIGKILL will kill anything that isn't waiting on
> a syscall to return.  If something is waiting on a syscall to return
> for more than about 0.5 seconds, you've got a hardware problem, a
> kernel bug, or a dead NFS server.  (There's currently a live thread on
> comp.os.linux.misc about SIGKILL, oddly enough.)
> > My RPM database has become funky and now I have an rpm process that
> > will not close no matter what I have tried and I really hate resorting
> > to the M$ fix.
> Check dmesg for OOPS or BUG reports.
> --
>   Back in my day, all we had were 0's.  We painted them different colors
>   to tell them apart.  Once this started bogging the processes down, we
>   switched to naming them.  I still miss Bob.  --skritch on a.f.c (1998)
> There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
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