Need a reliable audio streamming distribution server

Ted Gould ted at
Thu Jan 25 12:43:15 MST 2007

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Joshua Zeidner wrote:
>  Any idea when were going to get video/audio streaming in an SVG
> browser?  from what I understand, <viewbox>s were designed to allow
> for video as their content.

Well, they're trying to get that into SVG 1.2...  I'm not sure what'll 
come first 802.11n or SVG 1.2.  It's really turning into a crazy process 
where they are changing everything from the previous drafts.  Not in bad 
ways, but the features are so neccisary in the SVG space that any change 
causing delay is bad at this point.

As far as Firefox goes in supporting it, I imagine that they'll use 
Gstreamer now that it's been ported to Windows (not complete, but getting 
there).  I think it's currently the most portable and supported multimedia 
library (it's what they use on the Nokia 770/800's)


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