Linux on the desktop WAS Beeb

JT Moree moreejt at
Sun Jan 7 21:31:31 MST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Matt Nesteruk wrote:
> I agree with you Trent.
> Linux is still lacking in the desktop department.  The desktop looks
> pretty, but lacks a complete, easy install.
> I too got my parents a mac.

I'm curious as to how often your parents install Mac OS--since you
mention that as being a major factor in your choice.

For that matter how often do users install windows?  And which distro
are you saying has a difficult install process?

I find the Linux installs to be very easy going and generally easier to
install than a typical windows setup.  (not counting gentoo of course)

If your referring to installing proprietary media playing apps which
distros don't include then I'd agree it could be made easier but there's
not a big incentive to make it easy to do semi-illegal things nor to
include NON Free software in Free Systems because then they become
NON-Free systems.

It's not so much that Linux isn't ready for the desktop.  It's more like
the world isn't ready for Linux Desktops.  The world is made up of
consumers who want to have their cake and eat it too and producers who
want to control which flavors of cake are available.  The producers
don't want to let consumers choose the flavors and the consumers don't
care as long as there is cake to eat.

- --
JT Morée
PC Xperience, Inc.
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