brochure project -- draft idea revised

keith smith klsmith2020 at
Fri Jan 5 11:59:00 MST 2007

This is what I like about open source people, besides their skills and willingness to help, is they tend to have an opinion and are willing to share it.

I have been on non-open source lists that are very bland.  I made a post onetime on one of those lists to the effect of our rights eroding and got back some bland replies to the effect that that would never happen.  

Don't forget, this is America.  We must fight to keep her free!

"Eric \"Shubes\"" <plug at> wrote: Josef Lowder wrote:
> .
> On Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:44:12 -0700, Eric \"Shubes\" wrote
>> I think the "R" still needs to be blanked out, as it's not registered.
> I agree, and I had already made that revision. 
> However, when trying to view the file with Adobe 
> Acrobat reader via Firefox, the latest file (by the 
> same name) does not display.  When viewing with Konqueror, 
> it does display.  How does one get Firefox/Acrobat to 
> reload or refresh? 

I'm not sure. Clear cache?

>> Here's what I'd like to see:
>> Ditch the column 2 logo. Possibly use PLUG logo instead.
> Good idea.  I agree. 
>> Change lettering from "Linux Inside" to "Come Outside". 
>> This suggests an action instead of a state 
> While I am not "fighting" to keep the current graphic, 
> and I am perfectly willing to change it, I do think that 
> Linux should certainly be in the title graphic. 

I agree. That bothered me a bit. "Linux" could be outside of the graphic
though, is the PLUG logo on the web site.

> After all, this was, from the beginning, only a "draft idea" 
> for discussion and to invite input and suggestions. 

And it's done very well as that. Thank you for getting the ball rolling.

>> (and avoids this rather fruitless discussion). 
> Well, imho, it has been an interesting and worthwhile 
> dialog and I think the exchange of ideas and perspectives 
> is helpful. 

I just didn't want to see it travel much further down the legality road
(which would have been unproductive, imho). I guess I misspoke myself. So
far it's been ok.

Thanks for your great work Joe!

-Eric 'shubes'
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