[PhxBUG] Networking

Mike Schwartz mike.l.schwartz at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 11:56:09 MST 2007

(top posting only for consistency with
  the previous reply in this thread...)
Aha, this does answer one question I was wondering about:
(here is a quote from "http://www.aztcs.org/about/about.shtml":)

  << "TCS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and is affiliated with
of PC Users Groups <http://www.apcug.net/> and the Arizona Alliance of
Computer Clubs <http://www.azacc.org/>." >>

I had been wondering whether or not TCS (aztcs) was "affiliated with" the
IEEE Computer Society.
((Apparently not; - -  or, it would probably say so, right at or near the
place quoted above).
Just FYI, from
Mike Schwartz
Glendale  AZ
schwartz at acm.org
Mike.L.Schwartz at gmail.com

On 1/4/07, keith smith <klsmith2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> That would rock!  I think this is something we need.  It would be nice to
> put up on the site what books are available so members can reserver the
> book.  I'll get ahold of the web team.
> I was a member of the Tucson Computer Society in the early 1990's.  They
> did not offer anything I really wanted or needed so I did not renew my
> membership.  They required a yearly membership which cost at the time about
> $35.00/yr.
> In 2002 I joined again so I could be the Linux Sig lead because the lead
> had moved on.  Job conflicts caused me to discontinue being the Sig lead.
> The Tucson Computer Society is more of a hobby group.
> http://www.aztcs.org/
> I am still a member of TFUG.
> Keith
> *"der.hans" <PLUGd at LuftHans.com>* wrote:
> Am 03. Jan, 2007 schwätzte keith smith so:
> > I am not sure if I had mentioned it on this list or not .... The Tucson
> Computer Society gets free books with the agreement that someone will review
> the book and the review is published in their journal, used to be printer,
> and circulated to about 3000 members. Of course this is 5 year old
> information.
> Tucson computer society? Do you mean TFUG or something else?
> We could get that type of deal with several publishers. We have to have
> people willing to read the books and publish reviews. We also need a place
> on the web site for them to publish the reviews.
> > I think they used to publish a list of available titles and the ones
> selected were ordered and distributed.
> >
> > Is it possible to do something like that here at PLUG? I would be
> interested in reviewing a couple of books a year for a couple of free books
> and the reviews could be posted to our soon to be new website.
> >
> > I would even volunteer to help with this.
> Make sure the web team knows you need to be able to publish book reviews.
> I can get you in touch with a couple of publishers.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> # https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
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