
Trent Shipley trent_shipley at
Wed Jan 3 21:52:30 MST 2007

My test play of the BBC finally worked.

I had to Google for a Linux sound How-To.  That led me to suspect alSa since I 
always run KDE.  I found a check box to sleep alsa, but that didn't seem to 
help.  Non-KDE sound still wouldn't work.  Then, guessing that ameroK was a 
KDE application I found I could play an MP3 file.  Further poking around 
showed that ameroK was simply wrapping Helix and Helix had commercial 

So I removed Firefox's reference to RealPlayer in its plugins list.  Then I 
searched for amerok in my file system.  After that I redirected Firefox to 
launch ameroK instead of RealPlayer10 to play a streaming *.ram file.  
Finally, streaming sound.

And all this was with a fairly idiot friendly distribution, SuSE 10.0.

Somedays I really question how ready for the desktop Linux really is.

It also reminds me why I got my Mom a Mac.

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