[PhxBUG] Networking

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 3 19:28:31 MST 2007

I am not sure if I had mentioned it on this list or not .... The Tucson Computer Society gets free books with the agreement that someone will review the book and the review is published in their journal, used to be printer, and circulated to about 3000 members.  Of course this is 5 year old information.

I think they used to publish a list of available titles and the ones selected were ordered and distributed.

Is it possible to do something like that here at PLUG?  I would be interested in reviewing a couple of books a year for a couple of free books and the reviews could be posted to our soon to be new website.

I would even volunteer to help with this.


hacktavist at cox.net wrote: That would be great. I am in the northwest valley but work in south 
phoenix. I can try to swing by and pick it up if you are close.

On Wed, 3 Jan 2007, Scott Walters wrote:

> Too bad you weren't at Phoenix.PM last meeting.  We got a nice jackpot of
> ORA review titles including Network Security Hacks, which I got stuck with
> because no one would take.  >=)
> Seriously though, I'm going to try to get a review somewhere noticable
> (to keep the review books flowing, to keep the Phoenix.PM members coming
> back) but it suits my cause to give it away again to anyone else who
> will review it, so if you're willing to do a review and you want a slightly
> used but recently released book, I'll try to get it to you somehow.
> Cheers,
> -scott
> On  0, hacktavist at cox.net wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I was wondering if anyone out there has a good list of resources or a
>> suggestion as to any good websites for some advanced networking
>> information, i love books, alas i am a father of 3 and a sysadmin, so
>> hence i am to poor to by books right now. :-)
>> Thank you all,
>> Ray
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