A brochure project! -- one draft idea

Alan Dayley alandd at consultpros.com
Wed Jan 3 18:17:41 MST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Josef Lowder wrote:
> .
> Here's one draft idea for the group's consideration: 
>      http://www.UpQuick.com/linux/brochure.pdf 

Nice effort, Josef.

As a PLUG member and not as a group or project leader (since I am not
leading this one) I would offer the following feedback:

- - I prefer a more positive approach, meaning, less down-selling the
competition and more up-selling of Linux.

- - This concept is useful for many situations where a general approach is
called for.  I'd also like a brochure that focuses more on explaining
PLUG (Meeting descriptions, email lists, website, etc.) and the
positives of participation in PLUG (community, support, fun, etc.)

- - More pictures.  Needs a few graphics here and there.  Brochures full
of text turn me off.

I was thinking of the everyday person who just bought or is thinking of
buying a computer with Linux on it.  They look to the right at the Linux
computer store and see a brochure about PLUG.  What should that brochure
say to maybe help make the Linux computer sale AND trigger involvement
with PLUG?

That is the point of view I was thinking of.

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