PLUG site incident last night

keith smith klsmith2020 at
Tue Jan 2 09:18:04 MST 2007

A lot to do about shared hosting.  Most use shared hosting.  Most lack the skills to run their own server.  Most lack the funds to own their own server.

Having one's own server allows for complete customization and the installation of some software not available through a shared hosting provider.  

Shared hosting comes with it's challenges in getting what you want the way you want it.

Having said all that I think having PLUG on shared hosting has a positive side.  It could turn out to be a learning tool for everyone.

I read today the Tux Mag is no more.  Phoenix is quickly becoming the next tech mecca, if we are not already.

I'll bet there is over 500 members on this list.  Everyone of us has some specialized knowledge that relates to Linux.

We should have literally thousands of pages of how-to's, product reviews, ... ETC  

With all the talent we have here!

My Point is that the average person has to _live_ with shared hosting.  Why not go with shared hosting for now and journal everything for the world to see. Except anything that would pose a security risk.  

A portal that is of the people and by the people would be second to none!


Craig White <craigwhite at> wrote: On Mon, 2007-01-01 at 17:58 -0700, Edward Norton wrote:
> On 1/1/07, Jim  wrote:
>         Edward Norton wrote:
>         > PLUG cracked AGAIN? Not surprising considering you guys wont
>         consider
>         > anything other than a badly coded PHP CMS.
>         Ed,
>         Apparently you know more about securing a site than the people
>         who run 
>         it.  At least that's what your message implies.  I have an
>         idea.  When
>         it's time for the next PLUG meeting, come out of the sewer,
>         show up at
>         the meeting and offer to help secure the site.
> Jim,
> As a matter of fact, yes, I do know more about securing websites than
> the people running PLUG, so it seems.
> >I have an idea.  When
> >it's time for the next PLUG meeting, come out of the sewer, show up
> at 
> >the meeting and offer to help secure the site.
> Hey asshole, you don't even know me. Don't get a fucking attitude. As
> it happens, I HAVE BEEN TO THE
> MEETINGS, and I HAVE brought up site security. Infact, I've brought it up in the IRC channel as well,  
> so before you start being a little prick, know who you're talking to.
> Anyways, you wan't some ideas? Ok. How about to start: get the hell
> away from shared hosting. Second, invest in "hardened-php," third,
> look into GRSecurity and RBAC. Fourth, strip apache down to only the
> needed modules. Fifth, don't use shitty CMS's. 
> Hey Jim, you happy now asshole?
good thing we are all on the same side - at least that was what I

The above is entirely over the the line. Jim, you were out of line too.
And it has been suggested that I lack tact - sheesh, I have been
completely exonerated in this regard.

The fact is, we are stuck with shared hosting until we get someone to
donate a server and thus the above suggestions, though perhaps not
entirely without merit are entirely not germane to our current


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