Ann: East Side Meeting, Thursday, March 8th

Alan Dayley alandd at
Wed Feb 28 21:20:49 MST 2007

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What: PLUG East Side Meeting
When: Thursday, March 8th, 2007 at 7:00 PM
Where: Sequoia Charter School in Mesa
(See web site FAQ for directions

- - Write a Better Resume
- - Work with NASA and/or Busting Myths

Two great topics this month!  Come prepared to learn and be dazzled.
The following are presentation and biographical information from each of
the presenters.

- ---------------------
Write a Better Resume
By Don Dayley
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The purpose of my presentation is to introduce the currently effective
résumé principles so that the attendees will learn how to put together
their own résumé. Since most résumés circulating today are what we call
“obituary résumés” that are infinitely less effective than the new “live
résumé” – I’ll teach/train you how to develop a live résumé that will
give you a whole new image that employers like to see - You will get


Don served for nine years as the Southwest Area LDS Employment Resources
Manager. He has been a member of the Professional Association of Résumé
Writers (PARW) for many years. He has also participated as a member of
the Association of Job Search Training (AJST). He has extensive,
successful experience in résumé writing and other job search training
skills. He has conducted numerous training classes and seminars in
churches, schools, universities, and the community resulting in
thousands of job placements throughout the years. He has written and
produced many pamphlets and booklets used as practical guides by both
job seekers and trainers in the United States, Canada and other countries.

In addition to the above bio the following may serve as further insight
into my desire to help people in their “Career Upward Mobility”.

I am a professional résumé writer and over the past 15 years I have
helped hundreds of people learn how to create their own effective résumés.

I definitely believe in the "teach a man how to fish" theory. As a
result there are hundreds of people, both members [of the LDS church]
and non-members, in the church and community who can serve as "résumé
coaches" for their family and friends! (Plus, of course, I haven't
charged any of these people anything for these career development
services - the Lord has been very good to me and I love to share the

Résumés and cover letters are only part of the "package" job seekers
must create for themselves as they prepare to get a job or get a better
job or promotion.  I call it "Career Upward Mobility" - a lifetime of
skillfully developing your career to better serve family, friends,
church and community.

- -----------------------------------
Work with NASA and/or Busting Myths
by Mike Bushroe
- -----------------------------------


As to content, I think I will make it audience choice! I will bring a
copy of my book, an a CD of pictures from San Francisco to talk about
Myth Busters, and a 5 minute video clip of Huygens approaching and
landing on Titan and a few other images to talk about my work with Nasa,
and that way I can go either way.


Mike Bushroe graduated from the University of Arizona with a double
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Physics, and then a Master's Degree
in Electrical Engineering followed by an incomplete masters program in
Computer Science.  He has advanced the world state of the art in
automated X-ray inspection of solder joints, during which time he also
received a patent for a special process for centroid detection in images
and also got experience working on a high voltage, high vacuum X-ray
tube. He has also designed custom electronic circuits and written high
speed software to simulate optical tracking signals in real time. He
co-authored the Army's Local Area Network Design Guide. And for the last
12 years he has been working at the University of Arizona's Lunar &
Planetary Lab (LPL) testing, calibrating, and performing post-descent
data analysis of the European Space Agency's Huygens Probe which was
dropped into Titan's atmosphere by the Cassini Spacecraft. As part of
that work, he is published in the April 30,2005 issue of Science News,
the Dec 8, 2005 issue of Nature, as well as articles in Space Science
Review and Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering.

Mike has also appeared on the cable TV show Myth Busters in episode 46,
the Archimedes Solar Death Ray revisit/Mail Bag Special. Since that
time, he has been hired by Myth Busters to background research and
suggest myth test procedures for new myths, including the Hindenburg and
Pirate Special myths.

Although Mike is fairly new to Linux at home (currently running SuSe
10.0), the Spacecraft Instrument team has been using a Linux box from
Dell for the main file server for years, as well as a process server for
atmospheric radiative transfer modeling and video animation.

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