
Mike Schwartz mike.l.schwartz at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 11:29:34 MST 2007

On 2/21/07, Jon M. Hanson <jon at the-hansons-az.net> wrote:
> Michael Havens wrote:
> > As I try to install programs lately it seems that wile it is in process
> > apt-get tells me something about 'setting locale failed'. So I
> > investigated 'dselect locale', 'dselect locales', and 'apt-get locales'.
> The
> > first two commands wanted to update  and install like a thousand files
> per
> > command while the last command wanted to update two or three. Hey, look
> at
> > that! It is setting up 'locales' which seems to be a problem now. What
> are
> > locales. It would seem that they are files concerning local things for
> > different countries in the world. Is that an accurate guess?
>     You got it correct. The locales dictate what symbols are used to
> denote money, how you separate thousands places in numbers, how you
> display your date and time, and it might even control characters sets
> but I'm not too sure about the last one.
> --
> Jon M. Hanson (N7ZVJ)   [...]
> ---------------------------------------------------
> PLUG-discuss mailing list - [...]

> how you separate thousands places in numbers,

The locales where they use a dot ["."] to do so,
usually use  a comma [","] where we (in the US)
use a dot - to separate the "(decimal) fraction" part
[R] from the "whole number" part [L] of a mixed number.
(3,5 for three-and-a-half).
Also, I don't know if they do this (yet), but some
spell-checkers might try to operate differently for
someone whose "locale" indicates to use (say)
the UK spelling vs. US spelling.
("initialise" vs. "initialize", e.g.).
Mike Schwartz
Glendale  AZ
schwartz at acm.org
Mike.L.Schwartz at gmail.com
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