Scratchbox environment

Eric "Shubes" plug at
Wed Feb 21 09:12:41 MST 2007

Vaughn Treude wrote:
> Hello everyone:
> I'm trying to compile something for my Nokia 770 (which runs Linux, so 
> this post is not OT.  :-) )  I found a tool called "scratchbox" on 
>; which seems to build a virtual "sandbox" distro on your 
> system.  I got it installed but am having trouble getting it set up 
> correctly.  Has anyone ever dealt with this stuff?
> Vaughn

I haven't used scratchbox, but I have written a script to build my own (home
grown) sandbox for the qmail-toaster project. The sandbox is rather bloated
(includes a lot of stuff that isn't really needed), but it has an option to
build it with hard links to save disk space. You can browse the script at or wget it


-Eric 'shubes'

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