use commercial spam filtering service?

Bryan O'Neal BONeal at
Fri Feb 16 18:32:38 MST 2007

More to answer some of your specific questions, I use Appriver. 
I have our all of our MX records point to them and they point the good
mail back to us (I host multiple domains on one email server) 
I did not set it up; it was here when I arrived.
The main evidence I have of its benefit was when I was having problems
getting the renewal invoice approved last year (It was placed on a back
burner).  So, after a few months of appriver hosting us for free I asked
them to turn off filtering for a few days.  The renewal was approved and
paid promptly.  (Yes the timing was well planed as to cause minimum
interruption, as opposed to if they had cut us off two weeks down the
road) Other then that they provide decent tools so you can see what they
are blocking and when.  This way you can easily maintain justification
numbers if you need them.

-----Original Message-----
From: plug-discuss-bounces at
[mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Jeremy C. Reed
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 2:13 PM
To: plug-discuss at
Subject: use commercial spam filtering service?

Some of my FreeBSD and Linux customers have own mail servers, but use 
third party companies to be the MX for their domains.

Do anyone of you use a commercial spam filtering service?

Please share your thoughts about it.

Do you use it to supplement other spam filtering?

Do you just use it as the main MX and it then relays legitimate email on

to your real mail server?

How did you decide it is worth its value?

Do you have any research to show how beneficial it is for you?

Any significant lost mail or significant delays or other problems?

Do you also pay to have your outbound mail relayed through their

As you can see I am researching this :) If you know of any good webpages

or news articles that compare different companies, please let me know. 
(This seems like something that InfoWorld reviewed ... I am searching

  Jeremy C. Reed

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