Looking for recommendations for Linux laptop

Jason Hayes jason at jasonhayes.org
Thu Feb 15 10:42:12 MST 2007

On Tuesday 13 February 2007 4:23 pm, Lee Reynolds wrote:
> I have a faculty member here who is looking for a laptop to run Linux.

Apologies for the late reply, but I just noticed this thread.

I have always had good luck with Acer laptops and Linux. I have loaded 
Mandriva 2007 (and previous versions) on two different Acers (1705 and 1804). 
Both worked pretty much without any difficulties. I have also loaded MEPIS 
and various flavors of Suse on the 1705. Apart from some small graphics 
issues with Suse, they ran pretty well.

I also just used Mandriva 2007 Metisse (the live disk) to repair and backup a 
friend's Dell 1505. Their M$ system had totally self-destructed and was 
unusable. So I booted up with Mandriva, backed up everything and then ran the 
Dell system restore -- don't ask why they wanted Windows back, I don't know. 
At any rate, the live disk ran everything without any difficulties. I only 
had to pick the vendor specific monitor in the initial set up, as opposed to 
the generic selection. Otherwise everything -- wireless, graphics, sound, 
drives, etc. -- was set up without any problems.

Jason Hayes

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