SCaLE5x Impressions

Craig White craigwhite at
Wed Feb 14 05:18:25 MST 2007

On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 22:22 -0700, Alan Dayley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Not to take away from the goodness of SCaLE, I'd like to see PLUG and
> other appropriate groups do a "AzLE".  It'd take work and start small
> but there is no huge reason we can't do such a thing here if someone
> wants to put it together.
> In the mean time, a PLUG both at SCaLE would be fun too.
I would agree that it would be nice to have a local event but having
done this type of thing many years ago (approx 1986), I remember what a
lot of work it was and it requires some up front vendor participation to
generate the necessary seeding funds to get the facilities, print
brochures, etc. My thinking is that if PLUG were to try to do this, they
should seek participation with all BSD and similar pro-open source
groups and probably hold it during the summer where we could get a hotel
that would be more eager for an under funded event.

It occurred to me that SCALE had gotten too large for an all volunteer
effort and probably should have a professional management company manage
the show in the future and I asked one of the guys there who said that
there was no way that would happen.


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