Looking for recommendations for Linux laptop

John Schember j5483 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 13 20:07:34 MST 2007

On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 19:43 -0700, Jeff Garland wrote:
> So, in summary, I'd look toward Lenovo or Toshiba and run away from
> Dell.
I will agree with you on the Dell part. As far a Lenovo goes stick with
the Thinkpad line, the Lenovo line is about as good a Dell quality wise.
Toshiba is great but research the model you're looking at before buying.
I have a Toshiba U200 and it doesn't suspend, hibernate and it freezes
when the screen blanks. Basically the ACPI on it isn't Linux friendly.

John Schember

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