Scanning TO a Linux system?

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss at
Fri Feb 9 22:01:11 MST 2007

Okay, I know this is a long shot, but it's worth asking.

I recently bought a kick-ass networked color laser multi-function (copy,
scan, fax) printer.  It's a Brother MFC-9420CN.  Brother has much better
than average Linux support for nearly all of the features.  That is, you
can download printer and scanner drivers directly from the Brother
website and they have support docs and everything.  Printing and
scanning all work great with an ease of use that parallels Windows and
OSX (to a degree).  Very nice.

But I'm greedy.  I want *everything* to work.  The MFC-9420CN has a
unique (to me) feature in which you can scan pages at the printer and it
will automatically send them over the network to your computer.  That
is, I have an OS X system in my living room and the printer in my
office.  I have the Brother software running on OS X that has a pre-set
directory specified for the remote scanning.  I then take a stack of
pages to be scanned in (I'm converting all of my old utility bills to
PDF so I can shred the originals) and feed them into the document
feeder.  I then specify (by name) which computer I want them sent to.
Then I press the Scan button... it scans them all... and sends the
resulting PDF to the pre-set directory on my OS X computer.  I can then
take another stack and repeat the process.  It makes scanning large
quantities of papers very efficient since I don't have to keep going
back and forth between the computer and the scanner/printer.  Cool, eh?

Well, Brother ships the control software (server software, I guess) for
both OS X and Windows but not for Linux.  Their Linux support may be
better than average, but it's far from perfect.  What I'm wondering if
there is something like this out there that would allow me to setup my
Linux system as the "server".  Honestly, before I got this printer, I
didn't even know such a feature existed so it never occurred to me.

I checked out 'saned' but that looks like it does the opposite of what I
want.  That is, it allows you to turn a USB or parallel scanner into a
network scanner.  Well, my scanner is already networked.  Somehow I need
to get my Linux box to be an automatic client of sorts.

Does anybody know anything about something like this?

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