css variables

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Wed Feb 7 21:29:22 MST 2007

On Wed, 2007-02-07 at 19:45 -0700, Judd Pickell wrote:
> I am not aware of anything in the CSS specification that actually
> allows that, generally for doing that kind of stuff you would pull the
> css in through javascript, or use the js DOM to mod the information on
> the fly.
> On 2/7/07, Craig White <craig at tobyhouse.com> wrote:
>         I can't find anything in w3.org specifications on stylesheets
>         that
>         suggests that I can do this but is it possible to have a
>         'variable' that
>         I could substitute within a single stylesheet? 
>         What I am looking for is to define a color - say medblue =
>         #466AD2
>         and then use &medblue; or whatever to refer to it in various
>         classes/id's
>         Possible?
That's a bit drastic and much harder to find down the road (thinking
ahead to the point where someone other than me will be maintaining



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