It's now illegal to turn on your computer
Craig White
craigwhite at
Sun Dec 30 21:18:02 MST 2007
On Sun, 2007-12-30 at 21:01 -0700, Alan Dayley wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
> > On Sun, 2007-12-30 at 20:20 -0700, Alan Dayley wrote:
> >>
> >> Seriously, if the RIAA wants to put space-shifting on the table, I think
> >> they will loose twice: Once as more and more people abandon their
> >> products and again when the courts tell them to take a hike.
> > ----
> > the RIAA would be absolutely insane to make this argument if they had
> > any feeling that they would lose this argument because precedents are
> > set from judgments.
> >
> > I think that it's entirely reasonable that they would want to retry the
> > issues behind 'space-shifting' as you call it and they would certainly
> > pick the case to use rather than have one dictated to them.
> > ----
> Space shifting = To move the purchased copy of copyrighted content from
> one media to another. Like copying an LP to cassette tape for listening
> on your portable tape player or copying a video taped TV show to a DVD.
> This is "generally held" to be fair use but has not been specifically
> defined as such in a court case or in law, I don't think.
> Time shifting = To record a real-time broadcast and then play it back
> later on the same device. This is the concept that was held as "fair
> use" by the US Supreme Court in 1984 in the beta-max case.
> It is, of course, possible to do both, like if you copy a video tape
> recorded TV show to a portable video player, shifting both "space" and
> "time." And we thought that's only possible in science-fiction!
well, now that I figured out how to repair iPods, I brought my old 40 Gb
4th Gen iPod back to life and also have my 80 Gb 5th Gen iPod. Does that
mean that if I leave my iPod playing at the office when I go out to
lunch and play my other iPod in my car that I am engaging in unfair use?
> >> Start looking around for stuff you like from here
> >> and there is no reason to go to the
> >> RIAA companies.
> > ----
> > Well, no offense intended but the virtually all of the stuff that I buy
> > and listen to ain't there (Ottmar Liebert excepted)
> No offense taken.
> These are the places that I use to look for new music:
> Mostly
> However, I am no perfect boycott keeper. I buy a few CDs per year, but
> only CDs. My wife and kids are about the same but it's mostly because
> we don't like the current music or it's just too expensive for the
> quality. They mostly buy movie soundtracks.
> I do love the cheap 70's and 80's pop and rock CDs that seem to be
> popping up all over the place these days. My MP3 player now has "The
> Cars Greatest Hits" on it, my most recent physical purchase.
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