Samba Set Up Trouble
Craig White
craigwhite at
Mon Dec 24 14:06:46 MST 2007
On Mon, 2007-12-24 at 10:54 -0700, John Wheat wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
> > On Sun, 2007-12-23 at 20:46 -0700, John Wheat wrote:
> >>>> Part of my issue is cleared up she will just have to login with my user.
> >>>> I cannot even connect to the share from Linux as "user" john. I also
> >>>> cannot do so from windows anymore either. I am not sure now what I have
> >>>> messed up. I am going to see if I can find a mostly working config I had
> >>>> in Ubuntu.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> ----
> >>> does user 'john' exist in Linux?
> >>> did you create a user 'John' in Linux by mistake?
> >>> reset your smbpassword for user john...
> >>>
> >>> smbpasswd john
> >>>
> >>> Craig
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> john is my user. Established when I installed Debian
> >>
> > ----
> > OK - you're being incomplete
> >
> > if you have a Linux user john, and you have a samba user john, then you
> > should be able to connect to your Linux server as john..
> >
> >
> > and it will ask you for a password and it is either accepted or
> > rejected.
> >
> > if it is rejected, change your samba password by issuing command...
> >
> > smbpasswd john
> >
> > This isn't rocket science
> >
> > Craig
> >
> The output of
> smbclient -L WHATEVER_SERVER_BIOS_NAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS -U john is as follows:
> Domain=[GARYGNU] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.28]
> Sharename Type Comment
> --------- ---- -------
> homes Disk
> IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Samba 3.0.28)
> HP5500 Printer hp deskjet 5550
> john Disk Home directory of john
> Domain=[GARYGNU] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.28]
> Server Comment
> --------- -------
> Workgroup Master
> --------- -------
> Apparently the first time I entered the command I did so by server name and not IP address and it failed.
since you had 'wins support = yes' earlier in thread, I would expect
that connecting to GARYGNU should be the same as the ip_address
> So I assume by the above I at least have a good connection locally with my user.
I have tried to give you the tools to test the connection (user
names/passwords) without the mysteries of another computer so when you
see what works, you can then do them from another computer.
> I have read a lot of info on samba and at a last resort sent a message to the list for help. If giving help is too much for you Craig then create a filter out of my email address and we will be good to go.
I am sort of disappointed with this response because I thought I was
being helpful. I'm going to simply ignore the comment for now.
Anyway, you need to recognize that the actual purpose for a 'HOMES'
share (and for that matter, 'PROFILES' and 'NETLOGON' shares) is for
Windows Domain where a samba server emulates a Windows PDC (primary
domain controller) and a user connecting to a domain would reasonably
expect to gain access to his PROFILE, his HOME directory, and
automatically execute whatever login script was designated in
'NETLOGON' (and also if necessary, use the 'Default User' profile inside
'NETLOGON' if such a profile existed). These are 'service' shares and
are unlike all other Windows shares.
This is the reason that I tried to point out to you that life would be
simpler to create a new shared folder and not use the built-in 'service'
share called 'HOMES'. Sharing your 'home' directory is awkward too since
other users would likely have to be given 'write' access to your home
directory to be useful and that's typically awkward.
Lastly, for what it's worth...samba has probably the best documentation
of all open source software and I would point you to the 'Official Samba
3 How-To' ...
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