Stop feeding trolls (was something about a job, but it became a trollish flamefest)

Craig White craigwhite at
Wed Aug 29 08:16:05 MST 2007

On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 22:16 -0700, Joseph Sinclair wrote:
> Thank you, Nathan.  I don't think it's wise to remove the thread, but let's all STOP adding to it!
> I agree that while PLUG should welcome job postings from legitimate sources with some relevance to the group, all replies MUST be off list.  The posting is relevant, the replies are NOT.
> If you have information about a particular posting, good or bad, due to personal experience, I would recommend a simple "I have worked with this employer in the past, please contact me for details", THEN LEAVE IT ALONE!  Let people make their own decisions, and if they choose to ask you, they may; if they choose not to, that's their choice.
> This is, normally, a civil, reasoned, and remarkably valuable email list.  Let's all commit to keeping the list clear of any and all vitriolic posts, no matter how civil.
> In short, an old (for computing) adage definitely applies, and we would ALL do well to remember it.  DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!
> Thank you,
> Joseph Sinclair
> P.S. In all the years I've been on the list (actively about 4 years, lurking for about 3 before that), I've only seen 2 or 3 completely negative threads like this.  That is INCREDIBLY good, let's all work hard to keep it that way.
> P.P.S.  Please don't reply to this on list, feel free to berate me off-list if you will, but please, let's let this monster die.
I guess I don't understand the fear/disdain of the free expressions.

In a general sense, when there is an argument of this sort, it typically
involves 2 people who have significantly miscommunicated and it becomes
instructive if for no reason other than to illustrate the types of
things that can go wrong.

In a specific sense, I surmise that we have 2 people who failed
miserably at establishing their expectations up front and as things
work, failed miserably in achieving a reasonable conclusion. While it
may be unfortunate, it's clearly instructive. My sense is that neither
party to this controversy has distinguished themselves in this exchange.

One of things that I have found to be laudatory about this list is that
there hasn't been efforts to silence those who state unpopular positions
- unlike some other un-named local mail lists (*** cough think aqua
***). In my mind, free software deserves a free exchange of
ideas/opinions. While I might agree with you that JZ could have
expressed his sentiments as you had suggested, if I were the other
party, I would have wanted it out in the open anyway just so I had the
opportunity to refute his statements...thus it really couldn't have
turned out any other way.


PS: I could never berate you 'da man

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