OT:Looking to change careers into telecom

Technomage-hawke technomage.hawke at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 12:07:06 MST 2007

On Saturday 25 August 2007 01:47, eric© wrote:
> My time in computers/IT is up...I've hit the burnout point.  I just
> can't honestly see myself tapping away at a keyboard/staring at a
> screen for the next 20 years.  I'm sick of sitting in an office all
> day, and I certainly don't want to deal with the consumers any more.
> I'm sitting here working on my Dell certs, and I just don't enjoy it
> like I used to.

I wish I had that job (or any in the tech sector right now). I've managed 
(over the last year) to get back into the workforce, but its not a job I want 
(being a store greeter is actually killing my health here).

I have tried azstatejobs, and a number of other places. so far, I haven't 
heard back from anyone (even when I cantact back).

I really do need some help here. if one of you guys is good at resume writing, 
or knows a 'nearly free' service that can help, I'd appreciate it rather a 

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