Slack 11 help

Kenneth madhse at
Mon Apr 30 10:32:10 MST 2007

--- gm5729 <gm5729 at> wrote:

> >>>Is a module being loaded for your NIC?
> I don't know my network connection is on the motherboard. Ifconfig -a
> just shows the lo.

Usually if the NIC is known and the module is loaded, ifconfig will show the
interface there, so I'm guessing it isn't loaded.

lspci (assuming it's installed) gives you more information than you ever want
to know about devices on your machine. I would see what it says about your
network interface, then try to load the appropriate module with the insmod
command and see what happens.  Note, sometimes the "appropriate" module isn't
obvious just because you know what the controller is.

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