Looking For Suggestions for an Email Voting System

Mark Phillips mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
Fri Apr 20 10:02:27 MST 2007

I manage an email list of about 1100 people. It is an announce only list run 
through mailman; However, I don't have command line access to mailman, just 
through the web interface. All responses to the email list are ignored.

I need to send out an email to the group asking for a yes or no vote on an 
issue. I don't want to send them to a web page, but instead have the links 
embedded in the email. But the link should be automatic - click on the link 
and a no vote is registered, or click on the yes link and a yes vote is 
registered. Registering a particular vote can be an email to a particular 
address (one for yes and another one for no). Not sure how to do this while 
providing some measure of security - i.e. a person (i.e. an email address) 
should not be able to vote more than once.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or ideas you may have.

Mark Phillips

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