Ann: "Linux Lunch" Tuesday, April 10th, 11:00AM How to find the table

Shawn Badger badger.shawn at
Fri Apr 6 09:38:25 MST 2007

I will be also wearing a red shirt with Tux in the corner, so just look for
the big guy wearing a red shirt and that will be me!!

On 4/5/07, Alan Dayley <alandd at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hmm... I thought about how to identify the group but then failed to
> mention it in the announcement.
> I plan to wear my PLUG T-shirt, which makes me pretty obvious.  I was
> also planning to take over the outdoor patio seating.  It shouldn't be
> too hot yet and we can be more boisterous if we choose.
> The books and simple signs are good too.  I'll make a sign or two and be
> wearing my shirt.  The place is small enough that I don't think there
> will be much trouble.
> Even without such things, I've not had too much trouble finding Linux
> people at restaurants.  Just walk around uttering a single word
> question: "Linux?"  If you get a blank stare, they are not part of the
> group you are looking for.  ;^)
> Alan
> eculbert wrote:
> > Seriously, Alan, since you are the 'integator' of this
> > luncheon, take 3 sheets of paper and near the top in
> > big letters put PLUG on them, paper clip or staple the
> > corners and put in the middle of a table!!
> >
> > SIMPLE, effective, and others can find the pluggers
> > that already know who is who.
> >
> >
> >>> --- Andrew Harris <tuna at> wrote:
> >>> I will try to make in on Tuesday.  So far I've
> >> just
> >>> been monitoring the list,
> >>> and haven't made it to any meetings or events.
> >> This
> >>> might be fun, but how
> >>> will I know the rest of you, having never met?
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