video capture

Nathan England nathan at
Wed Sep 27 10:55:44 MST 2006

On Wednesday 27 September 2006 09:58, you wrote:
> You might try motv (same package as xawtv, different interface).
> There's also streamer, tvtime, vstream, or zapping.
> If all else fails, MythTV works great, but takes quite a bit of work to get
> up and running.
> What's xawtv having trouble with?  Is it working, but not keeping up, not
> seeing the composite port, just too painful to use???

It segfaults after recording and it doesn't record audio using the microsoft 
avi format. Plus it is just painful to use. ha ha

I am not against mythtv, not difficult to setup, but my hardware is not fast 
enough to record and play back, so myth doesn't work real well for me, I only 
need to record.

Thank you for the suggestions of the other programs.


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