How do you reinstall Linux in a dual boot scenario?

Kenneth madhse at
Sun Sep 24 23:26:15 MST 2006

> Anyway, while trying to fix it, It occurred to me that I might end up
> having
> to reinstall Linux and I was not sure how to do that since the original MBR
> for XP was gone.  And you see the problem being that the current MBR is
> grub
> and I do not know if doing a linux install over that would pick up the
> windows boot since it is only mentioned in the /boot/grub/menu.list that
> the
> install would wipe out.

You should be fine re-installing.  Every distro I've installed would see the
Windows partition and set it up automatically, but even if it doesn't, as
long as you don't have the isntall format that partition you can add it

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