OT: tru64 issue

Alex LeDonne aledonne.listmail at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 11:00:18 MST 2006

On 10/30/06, JT Moree <moreejt at pcxperience.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> David wrote:
> > Off topic, I know.  I don't know of a Tru64 user group, though.
> >
> > I'm having a strange issue with one of my true64 servers.  about 2 weeks
> > ago, the /etc/passwd file was zeroed out.  Its at 0 bytes.  However, we
> > can still log on.  Does tru64 cache login credentials anywhere?  How is
> > this possible?
> >
> > Thanks if anyone has any ideas, or can point me to an active Tru64 group
> The other day I ran into something similar on Linux.  If a file is
> locked open by a process and you delete it, the file system can show it
> is gone but the process is still working with it and it still exists.

Out of curiosity, does ls show usernames or uids?
Are you using a shadow password file? If so, that may be a path to
restore /etc/passwd...

Good luck!


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