apache config wows

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 27 07:23:45 MST 2006

Hi Again!

Ok so it has been a long time since I configured
Linux, Apache ETC.

Back to my AMD500 server.  It had 384RAM and it is a
dev sever for PHP/MySql and hopefully AJAX.

Fedora Core 5.

I have a private net 192.168.xxx.xxx and static IP's
on this box and my Win XP-Home laptop.

I have one test virtual host netcodeman.dev and am
trying to get phpMyAdmin working.

XP-Home : /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts :

added 2 lines
192.168.xxx.xxx netcodeman.dev
192.168.xxx.xxx pma.dev

added 2 lines to /etc/hosts

192.168.xxx.xxx	netcodeman.dev
192.168.xxx.xxx	pma.dev

In my /etc/httpd/config

Uncommented  NameVirtualHost *:80

##begin netcodeman.dev
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/netcodeman.dev
    ServerName netcodeman.dev

##End netcodeman.dev
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName pma.dev

restarted httpd - not errors
On the server if I type localhost into the browser I

Index of /
[ICO]	Name	Last modified	Size	Description
[DIR]	netcodeman.dev/	24-Oct-2006 16:59 	-
Apache/2.2.0 (Fedora) Server at localhost Port 80
If I type : http://netcodeman.dev/

I get the output of netcodeman.dev/index.php

If I type:http://pma.dev/

I get the output of netcodeman.dev/index.php

I've read http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/ and
beleive I'm conforming to named vhosts.

Any help much appreciated.

- - - - - - - 
Keith Smith
- - - - - - - 
- - - - - - -

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