madhse at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 24 00:05:07 MST 2006
--- bmike101 at cox.net wrote:
> I have a slight problem. I can't load my user.
> The root GUI will load. So I open a terminal emulator (te) and type
> su <user>
> With the return reply :
> Password:
> funny, I thought root te was automatically superuser. I enter it in any
> case with the response:
> su: Authentication failure
> bash: /home/<user>.bashrc: Permission denied
Are you saying from a root command prompt, you type su <user> and it doesn't
work? If that's the case, I don't remember seeing a setup that would ask for
a password, but it could be a PAM thing or something.
> So I think, ';Check the settins of this file:
> root at 2[bmike1]# ls -la |more
> total 636
> [truncate]
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 bmike1 bmike1 123 2006-10-23 21:43 .bashrc
Maybe permissions on the directory? Or some security thing doesn't like the
fact that the .bashrc is writable by everyone? Again, I haven't seen that
but I would check it. I know some things are set to not run if config files
have loose permissions (ssh is one of those).
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