How to make sure it's really gone?

KE7FEG eculbert at
Sat Oct 21 20:18:53 MST 2006

Yep Techno. but you don't need all the 'fluff', just
the one I re'd nathan's email to the list.

Read the -w manpage warnings. and make sure it wipes
the whole drive including the block zero. Don't stop
it till you are sure it has enogh runs thru the drive.
Because if you don't, knoppix still can find the
harddrive on boot up. I have done two..using the base
for the hd such as hda, not hda1... hda1 ignores the
very first block on the drive and the drive MIGHT be
recognized as a hard drive, but hda wipe even the part
that says 'hey, I am a hard drive'! 

--- Technomage <technomage-hawke at> wrote:

> badblocks is useful for this (someone else a long
> time ago posted a command 
> line for badblocks that would make data on the drive
> truly non-recoverable).
> here's the command line I used:
> badblocks -f -t random -p 30 -sv -w /dev/<device>
> this command will take a very long time to run on
> any of the large >10 GB 
> drives BUT, it will insure that no usable data of
> any kind remains afterward 
> (even the NSA would have a heart attack on this).
> my scenario for a full wipe involves this:
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<device> && dd
> if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/<device> && 
> badblocks -f -t random -p 30 -sv -w /dev/<device>
> that can be placed in a script and run as many times
> as you see fit. However, 
> with 30 passes in the badblocks in -w mode, you can
> pretty much be assured 
> that no data will exist afterward.
> more comments?
> On Saturday 21 October 2006 17:24, Jim wrote:
> > Let's assume I have some data on a Dreiser's or
> ext3 partition.  Short
> > of removing the drive and smashing it, how can I
> make sure with
> > reasonable certainty the data is gone?
> >
> > I looked at the manage for shred and it says it
> doesn't work on
> > journaled file systems such as ReiserFS, Ext3 and
> others.  Is there
> > something that will do the job on an ext3 or
> reiserfs partition?
> >
> > Thanks
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