Open Standards [WAS: Re: Playing OGM Files [WAS: Re: Fwd: Creative commons]]

Dennis Kibbe dennisk at
Mon Oct 16 20:24:37 MST 2006

On Saturday 14 October 2006 16:37, Joshua Zeidner wrote:
> These [the difficulty of finding a player for OGM files] are the kinds of 
>things that drive folks away from FOSS

Actually, I lay the blaim at the foot of the those that push proprietary 
formats as "standards".  Both the OGG audio format and the OGM format are 
open standards that any vendor (M$, Real, Apple, etc.) could enable in their 
player *if* they wanted to.  They don't, of course, for marketing reasons.  I 
think this is the reason that some proprietary plays seems to update every 
other week to keep the format changing and to lock you in to the latest 
version and lock competitors out.


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