Domain search without squating?

Dazed_75 lthielster at
Sat Oct 14 12:00:59 MST 2006

I think that cat has been out of the bag for quite some time.  My feeling is
that this is ONE of many things that lead to the internet pollution and
dilution we have seen increasing over the years.

I DO NOT mean this as a flame BTW, but rather a commentary on the rampant
commercialism in today's society that supports people making money from
things which give no inherent value.  I apologize if I have offended anyone,
but it is a hot button I find difficult to ignore.

Rather akin to the patent camping going on today which the US government
should have clamped down on long ago by actually enforcing their own rules
if only they had the resources to do so.  Of course the lawyers created
these cash cows and it is probably too late to fix it.

I'll shut my yap now and again, I apologize.

On 10/14/06, Darrin Chandler <dwchandler at> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 14, 2006 at 09:09:22AM -0700, keith smith wrote:
> > Where do you get your content for your sites?
> >
> > Darrin Chandler <dwchandler at> wrote:
> >
> > Domains are quite cheap, really. So you buy a domain (preferably an
> > expired one) and put up a page chock full of related keywords, with
> > Google ads. If you buy the right domains and have the right things on
> > your page you can break even or make money. If the domain made money,
> > reregister it, otherwise drop it. Automate, rinse, repeat.
> I don't do this personally, but I've stumbled across plenty through
> Google, etc. So I'm guessing where they get content...
> You can infer content from links in. You can find the old content on
>, Google's cached pages, etc. You can look at search keywords
> in referer.
> The most common thing I've seen is a "portal" page for whatever keywords
> the site used to be about, and maybe with a "buy this domain" offer. By
> portal I mean they gather up some related links (probably scraped from a
> search engine) and include the first N words from the link destination.
> This gets lots of nice keywords on their site, and links out to real
> sites. To a search engine it looks legitimate. Plop some Google Ads on
> it and there's a decent chance it'll pay for itself. Even if it doesn't,
> you still help subsidize your speculation.
> I've thought about scripting up something to do this so that it would
> require very little time and attention. Maybe I will. But now the cat's
> out of the bag. ;)
> --
> Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
> dwchandler at   |
>  |
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