I'm baack.

Robert N. Eaton Motheaton28 at aol.com
Thu Oct 12 16:49:47 MST 2006

Hi all,

I'm back to lurking again.  I've been off the net since 09/28, due to a 
change of address.  As one can readily see, my handle has changed from 
moth28 to Motheaton28.  I am doing without the delights of MSN and all 
that is contained in the Qwest DSL package, except the connection. I got 
Thunderbird to play nicely with AOL, and I'm using  that as my email 
address.  Works in both WinXP and Linux.  Firefox worked without any 
tweaking at all.

Qwest DSL is just noticeably slower than Cox Cable, not as slow as I had 
feared, but _way_ faster than dial-up!  All in all, not too bad a migration.


Bob Eaton

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