SUSE 10.1 running slow

Kenneth madhse at
Mon Oct 9 22:58:33 MST 2006

That's only slightly older hardware than I'm running for my main machine. I
wouldn't expect it to be sluggish.  The only times I've really seen
performance problems was when I compiled a kernel and forgot to include the
IDE chipset support, so the disk access times and cpu usage were horrible
during disk activity.  I was even running for a while with a basic frame
buffer driver for video, without even any acceleration and I didn't noticed
any sluggishness.

--- Dazed_75 <lthielster at> wrote:

> I loaded 10.1 on a machine just to take a quick look and was dismayed by
> its
> lagginess.  The machine is no great shakes to be sure but I was expecting
> better than I saw.  The machine is only a 1.7 GHz Celeron but has a GB of
> memory and I was running only 1024x768 in the built-in Intel 845G.
> Shouldn't I expect this combo to run reasonably smoothly instead of having
> visible pauses for most actions (like bringing up a terminal or browser)?
> I am sure it would run decently on a decent machine and it seems to have a
> lot to like (and a few things to dislike too).
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