Printing from Linux to Win2k-hosted printer

David Bendit DarkElf109 at
Mon Oct 2 12:32:10 MST 2006

Hash: SHA1

If you need to provide a username and/or password to CUPS, or any
networked utility for that matter, try using this formula:


So, for your use, try:


Or something similar in your CUPS config.

- -David

Vaughn Treude wrote:
> Hello everyone:
> I'm having a bit of trouble figuring this one out, so I'd appreciate a
> little assistance.  I have an HP 6200 printer which is hosted by a
> Windows 2000 box named "Sparky" (named after one of my dogs, not because
> of any hardware problems. :-) )  Previously the 6200 was hosted by a
> Windows 98 box.  On my CentOS box, I configured the 6200 as a network
> printer in CUPS, and I had no problem printing to it.  But the Windows
> 98 box seemed to crash every 4 hours or so, so I've moved it to Sparky,
> which is quite stable.  The trouble is, Win2K wants a username and
> password in order to allow someone to print, and I can't seem to disable
> this feature.  From my wife's XP machine, I can print, providing I first
> use File Explorer to log in to Sparky over the network.  
> Now the CentOS box SEES Sparky and thinks it's printing to it, but
> nothing ever gets into the 6200's queue.  I assume this is because the
> CentOS box doesn't have permission, even though I've gone into Win2K
> admin and given access to Everyone and Guest.  I think it at least wants
> CentOS to go through the motions and log in as SOMETHING.  How can I
> configure CUPS to make it do that?  BTW, I'm not moving the 6200 to
> Linux anytime in the near future because (a) It already works with my
> Windows machine (b) Some of the 6200's features are not available under
> Linuxa, and (c) I need the Win 2K box anyway for other reasons.
> I've googled around for this (oh no!  I said "googled"!  call the
> lawyers!  :-)  ) and I can only find solutions for getting Windows to
> recognized Linux-hosted Samba share printers, not the other way around.
> Thanks!
> Vaughn
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