irc town hall review

der.hans PLUGd at
Wed Nov 29 23:06:57 MST 2006

moin moin,

We had our first virtual town hall meeting tonight.

Thanks to all those who hopped into the IRC channel and participated!

We did a pretty good job of following the agenda and mostly staying on

I announced a new initiative: PLUG awards. We want to thank those who work
to make PLUG successful. A good way to do that is to actually thank them

Our first recipient ( should Derek read the meeting log ) is Integrum
Technologies that hosts our web site.

Pavlos was concerned that there might not be cheesecake at the end of year
party on the 14th, but, rest assured, grandma's cheesecake will be in

I have recommended that we change the west side meeting night. See the
seperate email for that thread.

We announced PLUG roles. These are essentially jobs we need filled. They
all could use more than one person working in the role.

. greeter - recognize new attendees at meetings and welcome them
. topic coordinator - help us get presentations
. web team: site maintenance - maintain the CMS
. web team: content - keep the content in order, add events, etc.
. giveaways - help us get giveaways and other stuff donated
. ambassador - help us co-ordinate with other groups
. artist - use Free Software tools to create artwork for PLUG projects
. photographer/videographer - photos and videos of events, plus editing
. seneschal - somewhat like an administrative assistent to help us keep
things in order
. historian - help us document PLUG history and new events
. awards committee - build awards and help us determine who gets them

If you're interested in helping, please let me know. For web stuff just
join the webdev mailing list and start participating.

Alan gave an update for the state of the web site. He's going to post a
plan to the webdev list over the weekend and then start working with the
rest of the webdev team to make it happen.

During Q and A we got a suggestion from mike_ to create a task list with
estimated time to completion and check stuff off as things get done.

jsinclair suggested we have a mechanism for requesting topics and voting
on them, so we can pursue things PLUG members want to see.

Craig would like a "demonstration of XSL/XSLT/XML" and jsinclair might
provide it.

Craig suggested a series with a focus on business. I would love to see

I would also love to see a series with a focus on educational

There were also several requests for more system administration topics. We
can get LOPSA to co-sponsor those with us.

There is an in-person Town Hall scheduled with the annual end of the year
party on the 14th at Sequoia. Please feel free to bring family and friends
to the party.

Thanks again to those who attended and participated.


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#  "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." 
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